HOW SAFE IS SKYDIVING? You’re here, browsing Silicon Valley Skydiving’s website thinking about taking a leap from thousands of feet above Planet Earth. If you’re asking yourself how safe is sky diving, you’re in good company. Let’s be honest, you’re...
What does it cost to go skydiving? So you’re wondering how much skydiving costs. We’ll say it upfront – we try to give access to skydive to the largest possible amount of people – and we do offer some very cost attractive jump options, but keep in mind that those...
How do I find a skydiving center near me? We know this is completely about you, about YOUR life changing experience, an experience that will remain on you memory forever. So ask yourself this: how extensive would the search be if you were: planning a surprise...
Subway, McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King, all great places for a quick cheap meal, but that’s it. Now, can you picture the same business model, applied to a skydiving center? Just imagine a skydiving center with the same philosophy “Come, check-in, pick your combo,...
WEATHER IN HOLLISTER, CA Like in any other aviation activity, weather plays a major role in a skydiving operation. And when it comes to weather dependency, a safe skydiving is like sailing. Even in normal conditions, small changes in wind direction or cloud cover can...