Licensed Skydivers
Licensed Skydivers

Experienced and Licensed Skydivers Welcome!

If you have your USPA license or acquired the Solo status here with us, your are ready to FUNJUMP! Get your jump tickets and have fun with your skydiving friends, or get in one of our training programs to work your skills up… there is no fun without safety… either way, jump, Jump, JUMP!

Licensed Skydiver Pricing

2023 Ticket PricesDescriptionPriceTotal
50 Jump Block50 rides to 13k at $33 each.$33 / jump$1650
20 Jump Block20 rides to 13k at $34 each.$34 / jump$680
13,000 ftSingle ticket to 13k.$35 / jump
18,000 ftSingle ticket to 18k. Ask about it at front desk.$50
TrainingJump tickets and instructor fee per jump.$150

All advertised prices have a cash payment discount applied. Additional 5% applies over any other accepted payment methods.

Helpful Information to Know ________

  • You must be a USPA member
  • Your reserve must be sealed and in date
  • Wear your seatbelt to 1500 ft
  • The airplane’s door must be closed from takeoff until 1,500’ and above 6,000’
  • Children must be accompanied at all times.

Save yourself some time and complete The SVS waiver online. No sense in wasting time filling out paperwork when you could be jumping!

We are a Burble Dropzone.  Save yourself some time in the manifest line and add the Dropzone “Silicon Valley Skydiving”

Improve Your Skills

Get The Most Out Of Your Jumps

There is a lot more to skydiving than just throwing ourselves out of the airplane, but like all new things, we need to improve our skills towards new techniques. We can help you with that, so check out our courses and get in touch with us
Canopy Piloting
Technological advancements of the modern ram-air canopy have brought with it a greater need for canopy control and understanding.  During this course you will learn the critical skills needed to safely fly and land your parachute. This course works for all levels of experience, whether you’re fresh off student status, needing to satisfy your B license requirements, wanting to explore your canopy’s performance potential or simply wanting to improve your landing skills.

Interested in taking a Canopy Course? Click the button below to complete our interest form.  *Note – This is an interest form – not a sign up form.

Click here to Complete our Interest Form

Advanced Freefall

Basic belly flying skills keep you safe, and improving those skills gets you around for more interesting, challenging and fun jumps. Improve your body flying techniques and aim towards jumps you’re going to remember.


Why fly only on your belly when you can fly fully vertical, on your back, standing, sitting or even head-down, just like the cool kids. But the faster you go, the more dangerous it gets. Learn how to handle yourself in those different types of position, and get into cool jumps with the proper technique.

Track & Angle Flight

From vertical to horizontal, tracking and angle jumps get you flying as an arrow, and your friends can join it too But now the challenge is totally different, so you gotta understand and approach the jump from different aspects of flight.

Camera Flyer

Either aiming towards a skydive career or just to be able to capture those amazing moments in freefall, jumping with cameras requires extra awareness, focus and technique. Learn how to assess a camera jump and how to make it happen like a PRO!